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Press Release 

Press Release 


USA Los Angeles, November 14, 20014 








Recently, California lawmakers approved legislation aiding the “work experience for college credit” option.  This newest legislation is to foster respectability of the accelerated degree programs, in business colleges (vocational trade schools), as well as online career schools.  They accomplish this by authorizing the awarding of  “vocational degrees” for college undergraduates.  Individuals who complete the accelerated degree program receive their “Bachelor of Vocational Education Certificate”.  


Supporters of the accelerated degree program make it clear that although it looks and sounds very similar, it is not the same as an academic degree from a university.  They believe that few would question the distinction between a "Bachelor of Vocational Education" and an academic "Bachelor of Education" ,(or a Master of Vocational Education).  Sources say that “Without promoting deception, the Bachelor of Vocational Education Certificate enables the individual to seek employment without feeling naked any longer.”  


Continental Career Training Institute has seen the future, and chosen to be an instrumental part of the accelerated degree programs.  Continental Career Training Institute is an online trainer and publisher of self-study programs, vocationally accredited by The National Education Alliance.  They currently offer the Vocational Bachelor's program; enabling dropouts to have a renewed , fast, affordable and respectable, path to a legitimate college degree.


According to the degree requirements for obtaining a Bachelor of Vocational Education, there must be sufficient work experience in the student’s chosen career field.  The student must also achieve four to eight weeks of successful self-study (home), and pass an open book final exam.  Fulfilling these requirements successfully will result in receiving your Bachelor's credential.  Time, money, impatience and limited ambition no longer need be an obstacle to a genuine college degree.


Critics of accelerated degree programs often point to violators who use fake degrees and counterfeit school transcripts to get ahead. They condemn the “college credit for work experience” idea as a “scam”, and insist that they amount to under-qualified degrees that are illegal and dishonest.  However, supporters of the Bachelor of Vocational Education degree program turn to the new California legislation to back their legitimacy.  They state that the “vocational degrees may be quick and affordable, but they are also honest, respectable and completely legal”, although more relaxed than academic  degree standards require.


Those in favor of the degree program suggest that it is often the Academic universities and private colleges who are being insincere when they disparage Vocational Schools for offering credits for work experience .  Reports confirm that Academic universities and private colleges routinely “dangle college credits in exchange for work experience as a way to satisfy half of the required semester units needed to earn an Associate degree”.  This also leads to hundreds of thousands of underemployed students who simply abandon the idea of earning a degree by the more traditional means.  


 Sources at Continental Career Training Institute had this to say about the Bachelor of Vocational Education:  “When viewed in combination with the ease of online courses, credit for work experience , and the relaxed requirements of vocational education, the addition of a legal ‘vocational degree’, is the catalyst that boosts the entire appeal of credentials for non-graduates.” It promises to become a significant “game Changer” in higher education for the average job seeker.


For more details about Continental Career Training Institute’s accelerated degree programs and their “easy pay”, three installment tuition plan:


Contact them at, or call them at (800) 395-6313. 


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